Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mud Cloth adventures in May

May has been an interesting month in mud cloth painting. May 1st I conducted a very pleasant workshop in Marathon, NY to a nice group of ladies. My niece came along with me to help out. I taught the women about the culture of mud cloth and the symbols to help them design their cloths. The cloths turned out beautiful!

This was also the last month that my after school students in Syracuse were working on their mud cloths. The children used their cloths to make cloths for themselves and held a fashion show to the whole school and their families. They outfits turned out pretty well. They were created by children ages 6 - 8.

Last Friday was the Art Walk in town and I gave a demonstration on mud cloth. It was a great turn out. The demonstration was part of my exhibit which was up for the month. What a great way to end May.